The Silverstone Grand Prix Ball is a must to attend, even for a non-motoring enthusiast. Based at the stunning Stow Public School (Stow corner), attended by the A list Celebrities it really is a proper British knees up. Tickets are in the region of £600 and include cabaret entertainment, several glasses of Champagne (if your lucky) dinner, dance and fireworks in the evening. This all happens on the Friday prior to the Grand Prix qualifying on Saturday and the actual race on Sunday. The F1 cars will be on display, most likely rolling shells only but who’s complaining, it will probably be the only time of the weekend you can really see what the cars look like instead of traveling at over 200mph in front of the spectators. The F1 drivers do emerge for the early hours of the evening to sign autographs and have their pictures taken but are then promptly whisked away to prepare for the weekends race.