Tag Archives: revealed

The Stig – Revealed?

I’m sure you’ve all heard by now that Top Gear’s ‘The Stig’ is none other than former 007 stunt driver and racing driver – Ben Collins. Nope, no idea who he is either, however I’m sure the Stig varies in shape and size over various episodes of Top Gear. I’m not talking about Michael Schumacher in the Ferrari or African and American Stig, but they look different quite often don’t you think?

The Stig Ben Collins

I was informed a while back that some of the test drivers from a German marque brand experience centre in Surrey, took it in turns as the Stig. The first Stig that revealed himself (Perry McCarthy) was quickly banished from Top Gear in 2003 and this seems a very likely exit point for Mr Collins. Has he shot himself in the foot with this one, or is he on to bigger and better – we shall see.

I’m sure Schumacher could have the job in 2011 as his F1 come back seems to have dropped his popularity further, especially the incident with the very likeable Rubens Barrichello nearly ending up in the wall at 200 mph in Brazil.