Cannonball and Gumball Events
Fancy a
week of non-stop Partying and High-Octane Mayhem?!
read on.
could be the most insane automotive spectacles across the world. The
Cannonball Rally and the Gumball are the largest and most expensive events
with the most popular being the American and European rally’s. Both
events last for approximately 5 days including heavy, nightly, 5-star
accommodation drinking binges. The American rally usually ends up in the
Playboy hangouts of Los Angeles tearing through Las Vegas with different
starting points. The European rally nearly always kicks off in London
doing a circuit of Europe and arriving back at the original location. In
the most recent years over 150 cars have attended with Sports and Film
stars traveling from across the globe for the challenge. Ferrari’s,
Porsche’s and Lamborghini’s seem common at these events, even a couple
of Mclaren F1’s turned up for Gumball3000 in 2005.

Cannonball driving event was created in memory of Erwin G Cannonball
Baker, an American stunt man responsible for breaking over one hundred
long distance driving records. Perhaps the most famous of which, was the
53 ½ hour coast to coast drive, averaging over 50mph in the early
series of films casting the now iconic Burt Reynolds and Captain Chaos
boosted the Cannonball’s appeal to the most rebellious of petrol heads.
has in turn created a market for these types of events, the ones to attend
by the rich and famous remain to be the original Cannonball event, brought
back to life by Tim Porter in 2002 and the Gumball3000 hosted by
Maximillion Cooper. The entry fee can cost up to £40,000 per car (with 2
people) and do require deep pockets for all speeding fines encountered
along the way. For mere mortals like myself to attend will require some
company sponsorship, which I am still working on.
events, although surely promoting illegal driving, do have there benefits.
Huge donations are made to charity from selling the cars off at auction
houses after the races and it is hard to detract from the Blue Chip’s
vulgar advertisements splashed over numerous red
Ferrari’s. The Gumball3000 has featured in its own DVD, various TV shows
including Jack Ass on MTV and
kick started conversation on the NBC Tonight Show: -
is the coolest thing around.” Adrien Brody.
don’t think this is a male only area, supermodel Jodie Kidd appears to
be a real life “Charlie’s Angel” being exceptionally competitive in
her Maserati. She also won the 2004 Maserati Trofeo Pro-Am race in
Bologna, Italy.
are taken from the Gumball3000 website 24/04/06